Monday, September 30, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chromatography of Plant Pigments

CHROMATOGRAPHY OF PLANT PIGMENTS Marquez, Ma. Rica Paulene, Moises, Patrisha Kate, Policarpio, Jairus Paolo, Rolda, Zylene Joy Department of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines Baguio April 23, 2013 ABSTRACT The objective of this experiment was to apply the technique of paper chromatography as a method for separating individual plant pigments contained in plant tissue extracts containing pigment blends. The process of chromatography separates molecules because of the different solubilities of the molecules in a selected solvent.In paper chromatography, paper marked with an unknown, such as plant extract, is placed in a beaker covered with a foil containing a specified solvents. The solvent carried the dissolved pigments as it moved up the paper. The pigments were carried at different rates because they were not equally soluble. The most soluble pigment traveled the longest distance while the others traveled in a shorter length. The distance of the pigment trave led was unique for that pigment in set conditions and was used to identify the pigment.The ratio was then used to measure the Rf (retention factor) value. | INTRODUCTION As primary producers in the food chain with some bacteria and algae, plants produce their own food by using the sun’s energy to transform carbon dioxide and water into glucose. In this process of photosynthesis, plants convert the sun’s energy into chemical energy that is stored in the bonds of the glucose molecule. Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that provides immediate fuel to cells but it is also a building block for more complex carbohydrates stored by living organisms for future use.For photosynthesis to transform light energy from the sun into chemical energy (bond energy) in plants, the pigment molecules absorb light to power the chemical reactions. Plant pigments are macromolecules produced by the plant, and these pigments absorb specified wavelengths of visible light to provide the energy req uired for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis, but accessory pigments collect and transfer energy to chlorophyll. Although pigments absorb light, the wavelengths of light that are not absorbed by the plant pigments are reflected back to the eye.The reflected wavelengths are the colors we see in observing the plant. Plants contain different pigments, and some of the pigments observed include: ? chlorophylls (greens) ? carotenoids (yellow, orange red) ? anthocyanins (red to blue, depending on pH) ? betalains (red or yellow) (Plant Traveling Lab. TTU/HHMI at CISER. 2010) As you may know from the popular media, there is currently a substantial research effort in place to explore the potential health benefits of plant pigments to humans. In popular literature, these plant-based compounds are often collectively referred to as â€Å"phytochemicals†; most are also pigments.Flavonoids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids are just some of the categories of plant pigme nts known to have antioxidant properties. â€Å"Antioxidant† is a general term used to describe any substance that has the ability to neutralize â€Å"free radicals† which cause cellular damage by removing electrons from surrounding molecules. Many lines of research suggest that consuming a diet rich in plant pigments may slow the process of cellular aging and reduce the risks of some types of disease, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.The point of this experiment is to look at the polarity of some of the common pigments in plant leaves and how that polarity affects their interactions with the cellulose fibers in paper and a few solvents and to apply the technique of paper chromatography as a method for separating individual plant pigments contained in plant tissue extracts containing pigment blends. (https://www. msu. edu) RESULT Table 1 shows the Rf values of Kangkong (Ipomoea aquatic), Bloodleaf (Iresine herbstii), and Golden bush (Duranta repens) plant| Rf value| | 50% acetone50% pet. ther| 40% acetone, 10% isopropanol, 50% pet. ether| 40% acetone, 10% pet. ether, 50% isopropanol| 30% acetone70% pet. ether| 30% pet. ether 70% acetone| Kangkong| Yellow: 0. 5Brown: 0. 01| Yellow: 0. 33Brown: 0. 23| Yellow: 0. 79Brown: 0. 08| Yellow: 0. 04Brown: 0. 96| Yellow: 0. 31Brown: 0. 76| Bloodleaf (purple leaf)| Purple:0. 05Green:0. 11Yellow:0. 11| Purple:0. 06Green:0. 13| Purple:0. 13Green:0. 58| Purple:0. 03Green:0. 58Yellow:0. 38| Purple:0. 097Green:0. 86| Golden bush| Green:0. 5Brown:0. 5| Green:0. 47Brown:0. 09| Green:0. 6Brown:0. 067| Green:0. 3Brown:0. 96| Green:0. 094Brown:0. 96| DISCUSSION The extracts of kangkong, golden bush, and purple leaves were applied to a horizontal line about ? of an inch from the bottom of a filter paper using a capillary tube. The filter paper then was soaked one by one on a beaker with a mixture of 40% acetone, 10% petroleum ether and 50% isopropanol. These solvents are used because they are capable of separa ting mixtures that contain both polar and non-polar compounds, or to increase separation of mixtures of compounds that have similar behavior with a single solvent.The beaker was covered with aluminum foil to make sure that the atmosphere in the beaker is saturated with the solvent’s vapor. Saturating the atmosphere in the beaker with the solvent’s vapor stops the solvent from evaporating as it rises up the filter paper. As the solvent slowly travels up the paper, the different components of the extract travel at different rates and the extracts are separated into different colors. After 3-5 minutes, the distance traveled by each pigment and solvent were measured. Plants extracted| Color/ Pigment| Rf values| Kangkong| Yellow (solvent)| 0. 9 mm| | Brown (solute)| 0. 08 mm| Purple leaves| Green (solvent)| 0. 58 mm| | Purple (solute)| 0. 13 mm| Golden bush| Green (solvent)| 0. 6 mm| | Brown (solute)| 0. 067 mm| Table 1: Pigments and Rf values for each plant extract The dis tance traveled relative to the solvent is called the Rf value, or the Retardation value. It can be computed with the formula: Rf = distance travelled by the solute Distance travelled by solvent We had the following computations: A. For Kangkong: Rf= 0. 08 mm 0. 79 mm = 0. 1012 B. For purple leaves: Rf= 0. 13 mm 0. 58 mm = 0. 241 C. For Golden bush: Rf= 0. 067 mm 0. 6 mm = 0. 1117 These values imply that the larger Rf value a compound has, the larger the distance it travels. It also means that it is less polar because it interacts less strongly with the polar absorbent on the filter paper. So similarly, the smaller the Rf value a compound has, the shorter the distance it travelled. It also means that is is more polar because it interacts more strongly with the polar absorbent on the filter paper. Comparing to the other groups’ results, there were similar colors that sprung up.The distances travelled by the pigments were significantly different than ours because they used diffe rent percentages of solvents. CONCLUSION Paper chromatography proved to be an accurate method of separating and observing the various colors of plant pigments. The pigments dissolved in the solvent and migrated upward. The colors were observed and their migration distances measured & recorded. The  Rf  value  of each pigment was determined by dividing its migration by the migration of the solvent. We have always understood chlorophyll, a pigment that is very important in photosynthesis, to be green.However, through this experiment we have discovered that many other pigments are also present in the leaves. For example the kangkong leaf also contains different pigments even though the leaf is dominated by the color green. We have observed that the kangkong leaf not only carries a green pigment, but that it also carries yellow and brown pigment through the chromatography LITERATURE CITED * Mcmurry, John. 2010. Foundations of Organic Chemistry. Pasig City, Philippines: Cengage Lea rning Asia Pte Ltd. * Thompson, R. 2008. Illustrated guide to Home Chemistry experiments. Canada: O’ Reilly media.Page 109 * Clark, J. 2007. http://chemguide. co. uk/analysis/chromatography/paper. html. Retrieved April 22, 2013 * Unknown. PlantTravelingLab. TTU/HHMI at CISER. 2010 . http://www. ciser. ttu. edu. * 2010. 04-20-13. * Unknown. separation of pigments by paper chromatography. http://www. hsu. edu/pictures. aspx? id=1653, n/a. 04-20-13 * Unknown. plant pigment analysis. https://www. msu. edu. n/a. 04-20-13 * http://apnewtechbiology. wordpress. com/lab-6-plant-pigments/ * http://www. biologyjunction. com/chromatography_of_simulated_plan. htm ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Classical music of 20th and 21st Personal Statement

Classical music of 20th and 21st - Personal Statement Example This "Classical music of 20th and 21st" outlines the development of classical music in this period of time and composers who influenced it the most. Arnold Schoenberg is a 20th century avant-garde composer that would go on to influence John Cage. His contributions to contemporary composition and music are well regarded. In terms of the questions of tonality and consonance, Schoenberg has a number of periods that must be considered. In his early compositional periods, he was more aligned with tonality, albeit in an experimental context. As he moved on to his later periods after 1908, he gradually adopted a more avant-garde style that embraced consonance (Kamien 2008). One such example of compositions in this later period is ‘Pierrot Lunaire.’ Similar to Arnold Schoenberg, Charles Ives began his compositional journey producing works with traditional tonal qualities. His work in such early compositions as ‘Variations on America’ demonstrates this tonal concern. In Ives’ middle and later periods he gradually adopted a more experimental style based on atonality and experimentation. His work in ‘Symphony 2’ demonstrated a shift in this direction that would later be more fully realized in his mature work. As his work further developed in ‘The Unanswered Question’ and ‘Three Places in New England’ he adopts a nearly entirely atonal sound. These works build towards what traditional classical music would realize in a melodic climax, but rather than delivering this, Schoenberg returns to atonal dissonance. Igor Stravinsky Russian composer Igor Stravinsky explored tonality in a variety of his compositions. Among the composers examined, he is perhaps the most renowned for the fantastical nature of the reaction to his famed composition ‘The Rite of Spring’. The composition, written for a 1913 ballet was such an avant-garde experience that the crowd rioted. The composition itself, while exploring traditional tonality in segments, is largely an atonal work. Some of Stravinsky’s other famed compositions demonstrate a similar concern with these challenging elements of sound. For instance, his work on ‘Histoire du soldat’ demonstrated similar concerns with consonance. Stravinsky’s late period work would explore 18th century classical styles, yet reinterpret them with his characteristic experimental elements, meshing both tonality and consonance. Sergei Prokofiev Similar to Stravinsky, Prokofiev was a Russian composer who developed a number of works for the ballet. To a great degree his works reflected a similar concern

Friday, September 27, 2019

IceCool Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

IceCool Company - Essay Example IceCool Company main product will be IceCool water that will be sold in 500 milliliters and 1-liter bottles. Locally and globally many people are now participating in sports as a way of maintaining healthy bodies. In this regard, IceCool Company target individuals participating in athletics and footballers. IceCool water aims at making the consumers experience a cooling effect that will make them continue with the sports without getting tired. IceCool Company will be located in New York along the Manhattan Street. Based on the large population in the neighborhood, I expect to make sustainable sales and profits. IceCool Company will serve the US and UK markets. Based on a large number of people who watch football in the UK, the company will benefit from strong consumer awareness once it launches an extensive advertisement and promotion during the matches (Gummesson 24). In the next few years, IceCool Company will enter the developing economies including African region where the market is not fully exploited. In this way, it will benefit from high sales that will make it to effectively expand in the global market. One of the major opportunities that IceCool Company will benefit from is the rising interest in the area of football in the emerging economies. This will be a great opportunity that the company will use to inform the consumers about the benefits of the IceCool bottled water. Being a new venture, IceCool Company is faced with a threat of stiff competition from the established companies in the US. For example, Dasani bottled water produced by Coca-Cola Company will be a major competing brand in the market. During the start of my business, I will hold the position of the Chief Executive Officer. I will also establish three positions that will be filled with experienced managers. These include the marketing manager, finance manager, and human resources manager (HRM).  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lacrosse Sport Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lacrosse Sport - Assignment Example The game could engage teams of over hundred to thousand players in a field covering more than 500 yards or even half a mile. Players were expected to move a small ball, made of animal skin, past the opponent’s goal post using three or four foot long sticks with a net at the end. The game lasted for two to three days consecutively from sunup to sundown. The transformation of Baggataway to today’s Lacrosse begun in 1637 with the French missionaries who observed the Indians play and introduced it in France. This was followed by a match between the French and Indians at Montreal’s Olympic club in 1844. The France missionaries are also recognized as the founders of the name Lacrosse from their generic term â€Å"Crosse† referring to stick and ball games. The sport was then introduced in Canada where George Beers, the father to modern Lacrosse sport, revised the game rules and founded National Lacrosse Association of Canada. The Association modified the game and reduced the number of team players to twelve. The game's popularity grew not only in Canada but also across other countries such as England, United States, Ireland, and Australia (Massie, 1997). There are three main reasons that qualify Lacrosse to be included in the next, 2014, winter Olympics. The first one is that Lacrosse is both a summer and winter game. This is possible because, currently there are four kinds of Lacrosse games that include Mini lacrosse, Box or indoor, Men’s field, and women’s field Lacrosse (Aveni, 2012). Mini lacrosse and Box or indoor Lacrosse can be played during the winters since they are not played in the open. Mini lacrosse is a modification of Lacrosse that emphases on the skills which are usually taught in the gym. It is also easy to hold a Box Lacrosse match in a room since it consists of 12 players, 6 from each team. Moreover, during the summers all the four sports are viable to be played.

Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Essay

Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry - Essay Example ges such as regulatory issues, social concerns, competitive issues, and / or demographic and geographic issues associated with managing a restaurant operation in the State of Maryland. The Maryland government has stricter legal policies on food quality control and staffing. The Food Quality Assurance program implemented by the government poses serious threats to the successful operation of restaurant in Maryland. In addition, Maryland regulators have framed burdensome employment laws that would notably reduce the profitability of restaurant operations in the State. In order to address the regulatory issues better, it is advisable for the organization to become a member of the Restaurant Association of Maryland (RAM), which is committed to guiding its members in managing lawsuits and other regulatory concerns effectively. Today’s people are increasingly concerned about social issues like environmental pollution, global warming, climate change, and poor health. It is evident tha t restaurant operations contribute substantially to greenhouse gas emissions, which is a major issue contributing to ozone layer depletion thereby global warming and climate change. Since modern consumers are really aware of the significance of environmental sustainability, they would not support a restaurant business that does not focus on environmental safety. In addition, today consumers are greatly interested to know how businesses execute their corporate social responsibilities. The organization can address this challenge effectively by becoming a socially responsible corporate citizen. Considering the growing scope of hospitality and tourism industry, many new market players have started restaurant operations, and this situation in turn adds to the degree of competitive rivalry. The organization can successfully handle the issue of intense market competition by emphasizing particularly on innovation and efficiency. Finally demographic and geographic issues also raise some pote ntial

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The House Dividing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The House Dividing - Essay Example Moreover, it should be noted that by the Thomas Proviso or the Compromise of 1820, Missouri had been admitted as a slave state and slavery was still allowed in Missouri though to a certain extent, abolitionists were successful in drawing a line of demarcation which did not permit slavery. Even if his argument had a reasonable point, the petition of Dred Scott is one that could dissolve in turmoil of granting him the favor or considering the decision of his army physician owner since Missouri, at the time, was chiefly a slave state following the provision on the initial request for statehood. During this period, U.S. struggled to address several issues regarding whether a territory, upon acquisition, must be declared free or allow slavery further and whether or not the inhabitants ought to choose for themselves. According to David Blight, the essence of the Dred Scott decision in the wake of Bleeding Kansas has made the country understand the implications of popular sovereignty in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Google Internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Google Internship - Essay Example Although this statement is in and of itself idyllic and rather broad, it is my understanding that Google represents just such a firm. As such, even a cursory analysis of the past reveals the fact that Google has consistently sought out means of developing solutions, engineering new approaches, and helping to connect the world to share the information that exists in a more fluid and complete manner. As such, seeking to be a part of a firm that prizes these aspects above merely making money, is a dream that can only be realized with regards to an internship at Google. Therefore, it is my distinct hope and wish that my application for this position will be given consideration; not only due to the fact that I possess valuable skills and traits that could benefit Google, but due to the fact that I have a desire to be a part of this entity and promote the values that it seeks to underscore within our

Sunday, September 22, 2019

All forms of government welfare should be abolished Essay - 5

All forms of government welfare should be abolished - Essay Example In such a situation, the government has to make budgetary estimates on how they are going to finance the basic needs that will be supplied to the poor people. From a humanitarian point of view, this is a prudent decision by the government. It has to make sure that all people are comfortable by supplying the needy with food, healthcare, housing and other basic needs like education (Conn, 2012). Secondly, the government is mandated to ensure there is fair distribution and redistribution of wealth and resources to all the people. Some people in the society are endowed with resources, while others are languishing in abject poverty. This creates a situation where on one end; there is a surplus on resources, while on the other hand resources are scarce. To make a fair distribution, the rich and well-to-do with have to assist the others. This creates a fair scenario where all people are served on equal grounds in regard to supply of resources. In my opinion, government welfares should not be abolished. However, they should be controlled effectively. For instance, they should be vigilant in detecting people that genuinely need the program. This will reduce the number of people that are depending on the government welfare. With such control, it is possible that the government welfare expenditure will reduce, which will in return reduce the budget for government welfare. There are many forms of government welfare programs existing in the present world, with each having its function. These financial strategies are used to uplift the livelihood of some people in the society. Some of these people include disabled and poor people in the society. Government welfares have been criticized and risk been abolished citing that the rationale for giving the government welfare is not well structured. The opposition to the government welfare programs has cited various key points that should be considered.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon Essay Example for Free

Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon Essay Among the films presented, what captures and awaken my interest was the film from Ann Hui entitled Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon. Somehow, it was portrayed very subtle in the few minutes of the filming, but at the end you will appreciate how it was orchestrated and letting message of the films came across to the mind of the viewers. The movie can be reflected also how the present vulnerability of some countries easily reckoned and entice by the overwhelming, numerous offers from the rich and powerful countries in exchange of something in their economy and future benefits. Then sooner or later their real intention of their acts slowly surface unveiling the shadow of hypocrites. I do appreciate much how the young and vibrant beautiful female villain in the movie depict her character of determination and patience in achieving her goal willing to gamble every thing she has in position. The female villain was willing to set whatever she has even her life was at stake for that cause of her just to fulfill the desire that stirred up her interest for her personal satisfaction and not after for the destruction of the many. Unfortunately, the fate of having that Green destiny sword was not meant for her to hold on forever for she was not the right one entrusted to look after the care of that green destiny sword. The very least she did, was trying to take the chance of having it. Thought she failed but you can not see in her face the expression of regrets. She have done her best to the best she can but maybe her best was not good enough and the fate of trying was not for the right time and responsibility to hold on that awesome destiny she ever dreamed of. The two characters that I fully appreciated to that young and vibrant villain named Jen Yu was so being energetic in pursuing her intention to have that sword and so cool that even a face of treacherous woman cannot be seen on her. But all of these Jen Yu adventures were a reflection of her mere fascination to the glamorous life of Yu Shu Lien. Believing that a woman can have so many adventures and achieving such freedom is a real marvelous for her. There we can consider also that it was her fascination for a great adventure and achieving such freedom that pushed her to commit such treachery in her in country. We can not even see any single history played along with the movie the reason why Jen Yu should be doing that kind of stuff. Though there are some influences she received from that witched type kind of a master, but we can see it clearly that she was really using her brain in a proper perspective. I really consider that Jen Yu was just using that witched type female master she clings to every time she has some chaos facing with. She was even more tricky compare to her lady master. But destiny did not fell at her hands for it was not intended to be. The least thing she did, was trying her luck on that great adventure of her. While on the other hand, Li Mu Bai, who were on the verge of his own quest of finding the missing sword, the Green Destiny who Li Mu Bai believed that finding it the said sword will open an avenue of knowing the real reason of his Master’s death. Li Mu Bai life was made colorful in the story due to Jen Yu’s presence in the said filming. It was Jen Yu’s character that made the story of Li Mu Bai more interesting and captivating. A little glimpse from the shadow of Jen Yu made Li Mu Bai shine clearly and made it more convincing to believed that such story as that still exist and continue to exist as long as it calls for someone to defend for the truth and righteousness against those people who had bested interest and willing to undermine the welfare of the many. To the question of how the story being orchestrated into the minds of the viewers, well, cinematography did it vividly. The venue of the filming was so simple and environmental yet it helped to make the story essence convey the message across to the minds of the viewers. The setting was so fit for the story because of the title that made it easily to connect with the settings itself of the story. Generally, though the story includes some furious fighting stands using their trademark artistry in handling a sword, still you can sense the compassion that goes with it. There was even a time when Li Mu Bai path came across with Jen Yu there were instance of chance giving Li Mu Bai to kill Jen Yu. But something holds on to him that reached at the back of his mind about the real motive, personality of the villain. Until such time, confession of the real scenario took place when the two characters met each other for a final encounter to fulfill their individual destiny that would dictate their fate in their future existence of the story. Just like us individual who has our own destiny to fulfill and keep continue to fight for it daily all in the name of personal gratification, satisfaction and survival. Nevertheless, we have to remember always that it is not what we have in position neither those people surrounding us and the potentials that we have that keeps us winning from the race. But it is by a having a big HEART of patience, determination and Humility.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Bauhaus Movement: Characteristics and History

The Bauhaus Movement: Characteristics and History Introduction From the expression Bauhaus we still feel something fresh. In every day speech it is associated with the beginning of the modernism and it is invoking in us association with basic forms (square, triangle and circle), basic colours (red, yellow and blue), furniture from the metal, white architecture and functionalism. History of the small school that Bauhaus was, is a mixture of facts and interpretation from different sources. But Bauhaus was the phoenix that every generation understands differently. For us, Bauhaus is a symbol of rationalization and modernity of lifestyle, where we cannot find any unnecessary comfort. At the same time, it is an enemy for the conservative culture. We can say that Bauhaus has been connected with left wing all the time. For Nazi Germany Bauhaus was culturally Bolshevik, international and Jewish. But Nazis used the modern devices of the Bauhaus very often. Almost all members of the Bauhaus emigrated and lot of Jewish relatives were killed. In German Democratic republic, where the main school (Weimar and Dessau) was established, Bauhaus was denied till sixties. After that, they started to integrate it to their cultural heritage. On other hand, for the Federal Republic of Germany, Bauhaus was the main part of modernism. A Graphic design of Bauhaus acknowledges this historical concept and invites readers to take a fresh look at the facts about typography and advertising and printing workshop at the Bauhaus school. It is for the first time in ninety years after establishment of the most successful art academy of twentieth century, the Graphic design of Bauhaus, which brings together works of graphic design from three different schools of Bauhaus located in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin. The team has brought the numerous treasures of the collections of the masters such as Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Joost Schmidt and Herbert Bayer. We wish that the readers will enjoy A Graphic design of Bauhaus and they will focus and concentrate on the creativity of the Bauhaus. Historical evolution When the Germany was established in 1871 it experienced change from the agrarian state into industrial. The reform artists of secession from Darmstadt, Munich and Dresden brought to Germany movement of Arts and Crafts from England, which was actually an opposition to industrialization. The new school that was set up in that period was characterised by different workshops, the most famous schools were Art school in Munich and Art and craft school in Weimar set up by Henry van de Velde in 1908. In 1907 Deutcher Werkbund (Union of German art), which conciliated between capitalism and culture was set up in Munich. In 1910, Walter Gropius became a member of Deutcher Werkbund, where he organized an exhibition of industrial works and during that time he gained a lot of experience for leading Bauhaus school. During the war, Gropius was very good leader and during that four-year period he was very quickly promoted to embarkation officer. After the war, in 1919, he continued his discussion with Velde about his succession. When he returned to Saxony, the School of art was closed and the only school that existed there was School of arts and crafts. He wanted to unite both schools and both schools accepted it. This was his first step for the Bauhaus school. Architects, painters, sculptors, we must all return to crafts! For there is no such thing as professional art. There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman. By the grace of Heaven and in rare moments of inspiration which transcend the will, art may unconsciously blossom from the labour of his hand, but a base in handicrafts is essential to every artist. It is there that the original source of creativity lies. Let us therefore create a new guild of craftsmen without the class-distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsmen and artists! Let us desire, conceive, and create the new building of the future together. It will combine architecture, sculpture, and painting in a single form, and will one day rise towards the heavens from the hands of a million workers as the crystalline symbol of a new and coming faith. Walter Gropius Weimar (1919 1925) Walter Gropius wanted to create an architecture school that will reflect the time after the World War I. In 1919 he published manifesto of Bauhaus, which was focused against academic reform for art school. Main idea of the manifest was co-operation between craftsmen and artists. According to the other universities, Gropius reached back to the old model of craftsmans guilds. At the early age of Bauhaus was founded organization so study that was base of Bauhaus: the successful admissions examination, all students had to attend one year of preparation course called Vorkurs (primary course) a sort of trial semester, where they learned the sense for colours, materials, structures and they developed certain skills. After this preparation they were divided into workshops to earn a certificate of apprenticeship and simultaneously underwent artistic training. Between years 1919 and 1923 Bauhaus was strongly influenced by expressionism. After that, when Gropius talked about the school, he did not want to accept similarity of the De Stijl, the school he was very much against. In 1923, Bauhaus changed the direction and ideas. At that time, they were influenced by functionalism (they co-operated with Neue Sachlichkeit movement). In February 1924, social-democratic government, which has been supportive of Bauhaus, lost the main control in parliament to Nationalists. As the school was dependent on the government grants, and in 1925 Gropius signed less financing than was necessary for the schools budget, at the end of same year Bauhaus had to be closed in Weimar. Dessau (1925 1932) When the Bauhaus had to move out, under the pressure of conservatives and rightists, several cities offered to take it over. But the Bauhaus decided to move to Dessau, because they offered them to build a new school. At that time, school was entering a new era. The lessons officially started on April 1st 1925. The Bauhaus program was changed; what was important at that time, was connection between creativity and industry. In 1927 Walter Gropius called for Hannes Meyer, who became a leader of architecture department. In 1928 when Gropius resigned, Meyer became a director of the Bauhaus. This change was very important for Bauhaus because Meyer introduced the extension of the scientific basis of teaching methods and artworks became more scientific. For teaching the lectures at the school leading experts across the entire field of philosophy, psychology, and physics were invited. Now in the workshops, students began to produce standard products that became available for majority of population. Meyer raised the number of students to 200, what was not very good for school, because it has lost the elite character. Bauhaus had to be accessible to the proletariat. In 1930 Meyer was replaced by new director Mies van der Rohe, who kept the distance from any political stance. He wanted students to be primarily educated technically, artistically and in the crafts, so the education looked back to the Weimar basis. As director of Bauhaus, he had to face to lot of problems, school did not receive public construction contracts, and the city had reduced the its funding. He also had to face to the growing hostility towards Bauhaus in Dessau. Berlin (1932 1933) When the Nazi Party was becoming to the power, many of the members labelled the Bauhaus un-German and they accused the school from the Bolshevik subversive activities. Bauhaus was forced to move to Berlin in 1932, since when it was a private school only, but circumstances forced the director to close the school in April 1933. Political tension As the director of Bauhaus, Mies van der Rohe, had to face a lot of difficulties, which mainly occurred during financial crisis in 1929 and also the enemies to Bauhaus in Dessau. City reduced financial funding dedicated to Bauhaus. Budgets in years 1931 and 1932 were lower than spending appraised by Meyer. The similar public contracts, that Gropius and Meyer received; did not come. The space in Bauhaus building had to cleared for technical school that had more than 1400 students (meanwhile Bauhaus had only around 170 students), so the Bauhaus could use only one floor with seven ateliers. Strong student communistic party also existed at Bauhas. The last issue of their magazine was printed in Berlin in 1932, which was strongly supported by many students. Groups of students orientated to the right also existed there. In 1933, after school was closed, they made a petition for re-opening it. Mies van der Rohe aided also the spiritual sight of Bauhaus with lot of seminars. He invited philosophers such as Helmuth Plessner and Hans Freyer, who taught by anthropologies regularity. Preliminary course One of the most important innovations in teaching at Bauhaus was preliminary course. At the beginning, this course was only one semester long. but later it changed into two semesters and what was important about this course was the fact, that every student had to pass it. After that it had to be decided, if the student is able to study further or not. From 1919, the course was lead by Johannes Itten, who made some specific rules that were irrational, but from the winter semester 1920/21 they were obligatory. As Itten became the big opponent for Gropiuss new orientation for industry and productivity, in 1923 he decided to leave school. After that Gropius made a big revision of preliminary course. From 1924 the courses first semester was lead by Josef Albers and more practical than the second one lead by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy that had more theoretical aspects. Josef Albers lead the course as education of crafts and it was understood as creators education. Moholy-Nagy preliminary course was well known by its three major areas that it was focused on. The first one consisted on learning how to combine elements. The second one was focused on exercises to distinguish composition from construction. And the last one, probably the most famous, was focused on three dimensional study designs. The course was mainly about how to create objects from simple elements and materials. Hannes Meyer, the director of Bauhaus from the year 1928, the necessity of the preliminary course confirmed. From 1930 the course was changed into courses of Gestapsychology (psychology of form), sociology and social economy. In the same year the communistic students asked for (total) discontinuation of the preliminary course. In 1930, director Mies van der Rohe declared the preliminary course as voluntary. He introduced the exam at the end of all semesters, that declared who is able to continue study further or not. According to these exams, the preliminary course lost the meaning of choosing talented students, homogenization of students and education to creativity. But the Mies van der Rohe enlarged the preliminary course for the architects of free drawings without instruments, because he wanted to develop their visual abilities. Albers led this course as well. In 1938, the preliminary course was changed into visual training course that had to prepare students to vision in context. From todays point of view, the preliminary course was missing historical, nature and economic context. Workshops For Walter Gropius, the workshops were the most important part of education in Bauhaus. The first concept was, that after the passing preliminary course, the student should start studying to be an architect. This idea has never changed into reality, because at the time when Gropius was director on Bauhaus, the architect department existed just for one year from 1927 to 1928. So we can say, that during his time, Bauhaus had to reform education system of art and crafts. In Weimar Bauhaus these workshops existed: the ceramics, the weaving, the metal, joinery, the wall painting, the woodcarving and stone sculpture. Besides the workshops, theater group, graphic editions and printing workshop also existed there. In Dessau, some of the workshops were put together into one workshop, or the name had been changed, or it was discontinued. Finally, only seven workshops existed: the metal, joinery, woodcarving, wall painting, the printing and advertising, sculpture and the theatre. The teaching of architecture on Bauhaus existed from the year 1927, when three other workshops were formed. After that, it was easier to get the architecture education: the students needed just one year of experience in of the workshops. Lot of students abandoned Bauhaus with journeyman certificate or diploma and they never studied architecture. It mostly happened during the time when Hannes Mayer was the director of the Bauhaus. Hannes Mayer, as a new director, started with some of the changes. He grouped some of the workshops; he totally discontinued the woodcarving workshops, because the main teacher, Oskar Schlemmer, left the school in 1929. He set up a new workshop for photography, but he wanted to group this workshop with the printing and advertising workshop. So we can say, that during the period when he was in charge, Bauhaus was mainly education institution for designers and architectures. Everything changed when Mies van den Rohe became the director. After that it was possible to study architecture also without passing the preliminary course. At that time, Bauhaus was mainly orientated to the architecture. The biggest problem of workshops at that time was, that on one hand the workshop represented pedagogic principle but on other hand students had to gain some money by their works. From expressionism to constructivism The first years of Bauhaus, 1919 1921, were very expressionistic but Walter Gropius was strongly against De Stijl that was very similar to Bauhaus. In year 1923 Bauhaus was ruled by motto art and technique new unity that was characteristic till 1928. But the big change came in 1922, with the first sign being the change of the logo; expressionistic cachet of Bauhaus with star man from Karl Peter Rohl changed into constructivism head of man designed by Oskar Schlemmer. Expressionism, that was politicized after 1918 such as cathedral of socialism was now out and De Stijl movement became very popular, mainly because of painter and theoretic Theo van Doesburg. From April 1921, Doesburg lived in Weimar and intensively cooperated with Bauhaus. He strongly influenced not only students but also teachers. He talked about De Stijl mostly and he abhorred craft that was studied on Bauhaus and he asked to use modern technologies to create a modern life. He thought that artists shouldnt present their spiritual life or emotions but they should know their responsibility for creating the unity of the world. He did not allow all of the materials and he used just basic colours (red, blue and yellow) combining with no-colours (black, white and grey) but they could be combined in whole, rectangular areas. The creativity was balancing opposite meaning of the expressing tools: black and white, yellow and blue, horizontal with vertical, vacuum and matter. He attributed the creativity of space to the colour, that was popular in wall painting workshop. Doesburg theory was combination of variety of knowledge. Countervailing of opposites had to come to the achievement of true and beauty of universe. It was followed by belief in machines. The change from expressionism to constructivism started by group of Hungarian students. For them constructivism meant: constrictive, utilitarian, rational and international. Not only students changed their style but also teachers e.g. Kandinsky made geometrical their expressionistic art language. Composition of Paul Klee became more rationalistic; stroke of the brush and coating of colours was less personal, technical look. Schlemmer developed the theory of art, where he connected the basic human movements such as standing, swimming and walking with elementary ideas combining the basic ideas of De Stijl and constructivism. When Hungarian painter Laszlo Moholy-Nagy entered to Bauhaus in 1923, he changed his expressionistic past into constructivism art language. Until the year 1928 Bauhaus was influenced by different influence, that was not only from his own teacher but also from outside architects and designer suggestions. Alter Adolph Gropius (* 18. may, 1883, Berlin, German Empire †  5. July, 1969, Boston, USA) He was born into the architect family. He started studies to be an architect in 1903 in Munich and he finished in 1907 in Berlin. He cooperated with Mies van der Rohe, Dietrich, Le Corbusier, Arcks and Adolf Meyer. But his biggest carrier started when he became a director of Grand-Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts in 1919. He transformed whole school into world famous Bauhaus. But under the pressure from conservative party he had to move from Weimar to Dessau in 1924, where he started to teach in more modern way. In Dessau he built the building for school, houses for masters and himself, everything built in a functionalism style. He also built habitation Torten in Dessau, where he created new urban concept, where houses were built in parallel and the main communication was connected to them perpendicular. He left the school in 1928, but he continued working as an architect. Between years 1929 and 1956 he was vice-president of CIAM (Congres International dArchitecture Moderne). In 1934 he had to immigrate to London but then he moved to the USA, where he became a professor at Harvard University, where he modernized education system. He built lot of famous building worldwide such as John. F Kennedy Federal Office Building in Boston; Pan Am Building in New York; University of Bagdad, etc. Ludwig Mies van den Rohe (* 27. march, 1886, Aachen †  19. august, 1969, Chicago) He got his first experience from his father who had his own stone-carving shop. In 1905 he moved to Berlin, where he got job by architect and furniture designer Bruno Paul. He designed his first work when he was just 21 years old. He set up his own office in 1912. We can see that he tried to connect architecture with techniques in his work. He was the first one to use flat roof and cubistic material. Between 1930 and 1933 he became director of Bauhaus, but he had to face very complicated situation, so in 1938 he immigrated to the USA. He was famous because of his sentence less is more and his Brno chair is so famous that is still produced nowadays. We can find his buildings worldwide e.g. villa Tugendhat in Brno, Seagram Building in New York, National Gallery in Berlin, etc. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (July 20, 1895 November 24, 1946), chyba hviezdicka a krizik He was born into Jewish Hungarian family but he changed his German surname into Hungarian surname after his aunt and he added his second name after the city where he grew up. He studied law in Budapest and he met with constructivism in Vienna for the first time. In 1923 he came to Bauhaus where he started to teach preliminary course because Johannes Itten left the school. We can say, that it was the end of his expressionism carrier and as we know, the Bauhaus was well known school, because of versatility of artists and he was no exception. Later at the Bauhaus he focused on photography and typography, but his main passion was preliminary course, where he gave students very complicated tasks to solve. From 1925 to 1928 he cooperated with Herbert Bayer in printing workshop and his responsibility was graphic edition of almost all books printed by Bauhaus. Moholy-Nagy was against the typical photography and he tried to teach his students to see and present world by different perspective and he taught students to use the modernist techniques. He used different techniques such as montage, inversion of light values, double illumination, etc. Officially, the photography was learnt at the Bauhaus since 1929, but at that time, he was not more in school. In 1928 he moved to Berlin and after that he travelled through Europe and finally he moved in 1937 to Chicago where he lived till his death. Hannes Meyer (* 18. November 1889 †  19. July 1954) He was born in Switzerland and practised as an architect in different countries such as Switzerland, Belgium and Germany. Meyers design philosophy is reflected in the following quote: 1. sex life, 2. sleeping habits, 3. pets, 4. gardening, 5. personal hygiene, 6. weather protection, 7. hygiene in the home, 8. car maintenance, 9. cooking, 10. heating, 11. exposure to the sun, 12. services In 1926 he established his own company with his friend and during that time, he produced his two most famous projects for the Geneva League of Nations Building and Basel Petersschule. Unfortunately none was built. In 1927 he came to Bauhaus as a teacher of architecture and only one year later he became to be a director. A lot of changes to the education system came with him, the most important being enlargement of the theoretical scientist base of education. He was a good example of extreme functionalism and he was strongly against art part of architecture. During that time, many good teachers left the school e.g. Herbert Bayer and Macel Breuer. During the holidays in 1930, he had to leave Bauhaus, because of his strict communistic thinking. He moved to Moscow where he formed group Left Column. Consequently, he moved to Switzerland, Mexico and back to Switzerland where he died in 1954. Herbert Bayer (Hagg, Austria, 1900 Santa Bà ¡rbara, United States, 1985), chyba hviezdicka a krizik He was one of the students at the Bauhaus being taught by e.g. Wassily Kandinsky, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and meno Gropius. After his studying, he was named to be a director of printing and advertising workshop. One of his characters was that he used only sans serif typefaces for almost all of the Bauhaus publications. In 1925 he created his own typeface called Universal today known as Bayer Universal. He left the school in 1928 and he moved to Berlin where he became to be the director for German magazine Vogue. Ten years later, he escaped from Nazi Germany to New York, where made carrier almost in every possible aspect of graphic art. He stayed in the USA till his death and he produced phonetic alphabet for English. It was basically again sans serif typeface but without capital letters. He became one of the most influential graphic designers of the twentieth century. Printing and advertising workshop During seven years of existence, 1925 1932, printing and advertising workshop changed completely. Each director had main role for this workshop. When Walter Gropius was the director of Bauhaus it was a production workshop in a small scale. The main product was advertising. When Hannes Mayer became director of Bauhaus everything changed. Joost Schmidt, the head of the workshop, developed the advertising, but in three-dimensional forms where quality of a graphic design was more important. Meanwhile in De Stijl and constructivism the art was more important than quality. When Schmidt dream became true, to create o professional printing and advertising workshop, everything changed again, new director, Mies van den Rohe, it was again only the teaching workshop and the result was that this workshop was closed before whole Bauhaus was closed. When Bayer became a head of the workshop, he gave it a new purpose by introducing the subject of advertising. The new teaching timetable of 1926 contained a summary of the content of its classes: the methods and construction of advertising and their effective application were to be investigated and, in future planning, standardization and advertising psychology were to be studied. In 1925, this workshop became a obligatory part of preliminary course and the Bauhaus was distinguished from other graphic schools that tried to train student to be a specialist in advertising. In first semester the students supposed to take undertake practical work after that it was combination of theoretical and practical. They studied the differentiation of advertising media and the most important was studying how to use photography and film in advertising. In forth semester they studied the structure and drafting of advertising plans. They had to focus on German industrial format and what was the most important for them, was the catch of the viewers eye. Bayer focused on design of advertising, rather than the placement, meanwhile when Joost Schmidt was head of printing and advertising workshop, he focused on visual rules of design. At the beginning the students had to experiment with geometric forms but it was almost forbidden to use free forms. For him, it was unsuitable to use collages, typeface exercises and photographs but the abstract form was the most important for advertising. Schmidt created a new kinetic model for exhibition according to Moholy-Nagy work. Meanwhile, students got the technique skills for advertising in typesetting and printing. A new workshop for photography directed by Peterhans was opened in 1929, but till that time Schmidt tried to teach students perspective drawing and painting. Between 1928 and 1930 they produced several exhibitions, for example in Berlin and Linz. But their financial situation went wrong and also Mies van der Rohe was very critically to Schmidt workshop so for the next exhibition he wanted to show his doubts about Schmidt. What was even worse was the fact that even the photography students had to distance from Schmidt teaching methods. Following year he was under big pressure and finally in 1932 he collapsed. Typography in Bauhaus In the first year of existence of Bauhaus school in Weimar, typography was not very well developed. There were just two calligraphers at school, Johannes Itten and Lothar Schreyer but for them, it was just expression of artistic meaning and at the beginning practical field of application was missing there. Development of typography started in 1923, when school poster with unique typeset and design was made. Year after that, it was changed to school emblem. The original one, that looked like masons mart, a spread-eagled figure carrying aloft a pyramid, was replaced by the new one designed by Oskar Schlemmer that looked like geometric profile of a head, which could be very simply reproduced. The typical characters for Bauhaus typography were rules and sans serif types, that somehow became a stereotype, but accepting the stereotype was the part of radical reform. In 1921 the Bauhaus master Johannes Itten tried to make reform, where he combine black letter (Fraktur) with heavy Victorian types, where we can see the combination of printers ornaments, dots and squares. He set up one of the first Bauhaus characteristics, which was geometrical feature of the page. The next step for Bauhaus typography was to solve the problems with German alphabet that was quite old according to the new machine age. They decided to write all nouns in German starting with capital letter. A footnote, which appeared on the Bauhaus letterhead designed by Herbert Bayer in 1925, stated the schools attitude uncompromisingly: Towards a simplified way of writing This is the way recommended by reforms of lettering as our future letterform, cf. the book sprache und schrift (speech and letterform) by dr. porstmann, union of German engineers publishers, Berlin 1920. In restricting ourselves to lower-case letters our type loses nothing, but becomes more easily read, more easily learned, substantially more economic Why is there for one sound, for example a, two signs A and a? one sound, one sign, why two alphabets for one word, why double the number of signs, when half would achieve the same? The main character for Bauhaus typography was geometrical base that was base for functionalism. At the Bauhaus, Josef Alberts and Joost Schmidt made a lot of alphabets, but it was Bayer, who was the main typographer there. His well known typeface Universal (1926) consisted of circles and straight lines of a constant thickness on a grid squares. They used upper and lower case, but they never combined them and they always combined them with vibrant colours. But situation has radically changed when Là ¡szlà ³ Moholy-Nagy entered the school in 1923. He introduced the ideas of New Typography. What he wanted, basically, was that the typography had to be communication medium and message should be clear. Since 1923 his influence was visible on advertising campaign for Bauhaus and after that when the Bauhaus moved to Dessau, he became co-editor of Bauhaus typography, where the Bayer was director of printing and advertising workshop. The typical characteristic of that period was that bold sans serif was used for heading and subheading for single words to interrupt the flow of lines. This innovation was technically complicated in metal type. From that time, the typography was very closely connected with corporate identity of school. It was clear, that type prints, the articulation and accentuation of pages through distinct symbols or typographic elements highlighted in colour, and finally direct information in a combination of text and photography were the main characteristics for Bauhaus typography. Herbert Bayer also designed letters that appeared on Bauhaus building in Dessau. He was responsible for all printing material for Bauhaus. Because the workshop was limited to narrow sans-serifs fonts some of them became very similar. He used vertical and horizontal rules and printed it on red and black and this became another stereotype of the Bauhaus. But it was very common for many avant-gardes. His most ambitious work was poster designed for Kandinsky sixteens birthday exhibition. It was printed on orange paper and again he printed it red and black and you can see strong rectangularity. Bauhaus, De Stijl and Vkhutemas Main characteristics of Bauhaus: The main colours that they used are blue, yellow and red and the characteristic shapes were triangle, square and circle. One of the most characteristic features for the Bauhaus was simplicity. The design was very simple in lines and shapes. They used straight lines or gentle, smooth curves. They werent afraid to use shapes. It wasnt so strict as in De Stijl. We can also see repetition of certain layers. They also used a row of identical cylinders of two, three corners that were out from the others to produce very simple but strong effect. Next strong feature was quality. The products they made were light and airy. They used new materials such as steel, aluminium, plastics and glass. Tables and chairs are another strong feature. Often they were focused on design some small pieces where they used materials such as plastics, class, chrome and other metals that could somehow highlight the materials themselves. The materials had to be cleaned by water easily and quick. We should also unde rstand the difference between the functionalism of Craftsman and Bauhaus design. The other typical feature was the Bauhaus material wasnt handcrafted pieces but it was made in mass production. They had to have the industrial look. Main characteristics of De Stijl: Same as in the Bauhaus the main colours for De Stijl were red, yellow and blue and supporting colours we can say that were black, white and grey. Every colour had some meaning for example the yellow meant expansive and vertical. On the other hand the blue one was opposite, soft, retiring and horizontal. The meaning of red was expressed the radiating movement of the life. Combining all three colours you will have green. But for example Analysis of the UK Confectionery Industry: Thorntons Analysis of the UK Confectionery Industry: Thorntons Confectionery Industry In The UK Contributes A Major Amount Of Revenue To The Countrys Economy Chapter 1: Introduction Confectionery industry in the UK contributes a major amount of revenue to the countrys economy. Repeated case studies have revealed that the confectionery industry is ever growing and the demand for creativity and innovation in the products in increasingly demanded by the consumers in the UK market. Alongside, the growth in the confectionery industry has also resulted in the stiff competition among the players in the market with many global competitors like Cadbury and Nestle. The growth of more focused and niche market targeting companies have also grown tremendously in the UK, which includes companies like Thorntons, Ferroro UK ltd, etc. The stiff competition in the market and the increased penetration of the big players into various market segments has further disturbed the position of companies like Thorntons. This report is focused on the analysis of the marketing strategies for Thorntons Plc and provides valuable suggestions for future expansion and strategies to gain competiti ve advantage in the UK chocolate market. The report aims to achieve the following objectives To effectively segment the target market for Thorntons and identify those segment(s) here the company can effectively develop its business. To identify the importance of buyer behaviour and establish that the effective deployment of buyer behaviour would help the company understand its target market in detail so as to gain market share. Provide recommendation for an appropriate short-term promotional campaign in the UK for increasing the awareness on the companys products in the target market. Devise a sales or promotion campaign for the company in order to increase its sales through focusing on establishing the brand of Thorntons in the market as a strong competitor. Present a critical analysis of the advertising strategy mentioned in the case study for Thorntons and device a new advertising strategy that would include a creative media based plan in order to increase the awareness among the customers in the target market Also device a critical structure for the direct marketing plans in order to reach the over 50 years segment of customers in the UK market. Chapter Overview Chapter 1: Introduction This is the current chapter that introduces the reader to the objectives of the report and the flow of the report text. Chapter 2: Market Segmentation and buyer behaviour This chapter first presents an analysis on the market segmentation and identifies those segments that the company should target upon for further market expansion. This is then followed by the overview of the buyer behaviour and the use of buyer behaviour by the company in order to gain competitive advantage in its target market. Chapter 3: Advertising and Promotion This chapter first presents a discussion on a short-term promotional campaign for the company in order to increase the awareness of the products in the existing target market. This is then followed by a detailed overview of the advertising plan incorporating creative plans in the media based advertising in order to promote the products of the company. This is then followed by a critical analysis on the direct marketing strategy for over 50 years segment of customers in the UK in order to effectively reach that segment of the market so as to increase the sales as well as the market share. Chapter 4: Conclusion The objectives of the chapter are reviewed against the research and analysis conducted in the previous chapters and then a conclusion is derived based on the results of the analysis. Chapter 2: Market Segmentation and Buyer Behaviour 2.1: Market Segmentation From the case study of the company it is evident that the major segments in the Chocolate market include Count lines Moulded Bars Boxed Chocolates Seasonal Products and Bagged Self lines It is also evident that the company under debate i.e. Thorntons Plc specialize in the manufacture and sale of Boxed continental chocolates in the UK and global market. Hence the market segment that the company primarily operates is under the sub sector of the Boxed chocolates in the Chocolates industry of the UK. A further segmentation of the Boxed Chocolates market in the UK based on the price and quality is presented below

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Handmaids Tale Essays: The Oppression of Women :: Handmaids Tale Essays

The Oppression of Women in Handmaids Tale  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Within freedom should come security. Within security should come freedom. But in Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood, it seems as though there is no in between. Atwood searches throughout the novel for a medium between the two, but in my eyes fails to give justice to a woman’s body image. Today's society has created a fear of beauty and sexuality in this image. It is as though a beautiful woman can be just that, but if at the same time, if she is intelligent and motivated within acting as a sexual being, she is thought of as exploiting herself and her body. Atwood looks for a solution to this problem, but in my eyes fails to do so. In the Handmaid's Tale women are supposed to be more secure then they have ever been. Their bodies and their ability to reproduce are worshiped by society. Crimes against women have been erased. There is no longer rape, or domestic physical and mental violence against women. There is also no abortion. For women to exist in a space like this, one would think that they had the freedom to be powerful, strong women. Yet they are enslaved to this idea of being "protected." Atwood tries to define a woman’s security as being powerful, but really she just contributes to the idea that women are incapable of taking care of and protecting themselves. The novel also portrays a space where a woman’s body is something to fear and hide. "My nakedness is strange to me already. My body seems outdated. Did I really wear bathing suits at the beach? I did, without thought, amoung men, without caring that my legs, my arms, my thighs and back were on display, could be seen. Shameful, immodest. I avoid looking at my body, not so much because it's shamefull or immodest but because I don't want to see it. I don't want to look at something that determines me so completely."(P.63) Women fear their own bodies, they don't love themselves. Which is unfortunate because having love for your body can create a very powerful space for a woman. When women learn to love themselves and their bodies and not fear what they can do with them, they gain self-esteem and confidence to do whatever it is they want to do. A society such as this, defined as having a basis on women, truely, does not.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Early Modern English Exemplified in Shakespeares Hamlet, Act V Scene 1

Early Modern English Exemplified in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act V Scene 1 The period of Early Modern English occurred from approximately Fifteen Hundred to some time between Sixteen Fifty and Sixteen Seventy. While this period was characterized mostly by the translation of texts from other languages into English, the language saw its first prominent writer in William Shakespeare contribute works of literary significance to the world. Hamlet Prince of Denmark, in its abbreviated, performed version, was originally included in the quarto of 1603. The current version of the text is based on the 1604-05 version of the text, which is believed to be printed from Shakespeare's own draft (Farnham). Lines 241-280 of Act V scene 1 in Hamlet are an example of Early Modern English as written (and possibly spoken) in the early Seventeenth century; it illustrates aspects of the language such as vocabulary, spelling, syntax and grammar relative to this time period. The dialogue in Hamlet would be recognizable to readers from the Seventeenth century to the present: although Shakespeare's style may differ from the spoken and written dialects of these time periods, his vocabulary is not totally alien. The online version of the Oxford English Dictionary indicates many of the words in this passage had the same or similar meanings when Shakespeare wrote as they do presently. Some examples include madness, "mental disease or insanity"; dangerous, "Fraught with danger or risk; causing or occasioning danger; perilous, hazardous, risky, unsafe"; and whine, "To utter a low somewhat shrill protracted sound or cry, usually expressive of pain or distress." The concept of madness, the adjective dangerous, and the infinitive 'to whine' originate prior to t... ...-279). In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, while common people were becoming increasingly literate, it was mostly an intellectual demographic that wrote; one certainly would not consider Shakespeare a common user of Early Modern English. However, although Shakespeare did write Hamlet, he intended it to be performed: theatre-goers might have been impressed hearing a more refined and thought-out usage of Early Modern English than what they spoke, but players would have difficulty speaking a language with which they were unfamiliar, just as an audience would have difficulty understanding the performed lines. Therefore, while his writing may be more structured than the general speech of the time, Shakespeare's text can be considered a likely portrayal of the language of his time. Works Cited Hamlet. Edited by Willard Farnham. New York: Penguin Books, 1957.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Much Power And Liberty Did The Constitution Give To ?the People?? E

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How much power and liberty did the constitution give to â€Å"the people?†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The constitution is the document that has framed and shaped the United States from inception. It is the document that is defended by all new presidents and also the document which affords the citizens of the United States freedoms and rights that cannot be removed. In its drafting it shaped the formation of a new country and a new style of governance. It is a ‘bottom up’ as opposed to established ways of government which are ‘top down’. However for all its virtues the Constitution is somewhat ambiguous and there is some debate of the intent of the drafters, did they intend to give as much power or did they intend to give less power to the people?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Constitution sets out the system, rules and regulations of how the new American government was to work. The constitution was drafted by a small select group of people from the 13 states; they were the people’s representatives for the constitution. However these people were very much part of an emerging elite, the masses weren’t literate nor would they have had a vast understanding of theories of government, all they knew was the old system and monarchical government. Therefore the drafting of the constitution fell to what one could call idealistic gentry, who were very wealthy and well educated perhaps an upper class group of individuals. They may have been acting on behalf of the people but there are numerous examples of blatant self-interest. When assigning powers to congress taxation was obviously a big area, the representatives from the Southern states managed to get exemptions for export duties. Many of the representatives from these souther n states were heavily involved in the Tobacco trade and made a lot of their personal wealth from this trade so it was is in their own direct interest to get exemptions for these things. This is a clear demonstration on how some representatives weren’t wholly representative.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To assess how much power and liberty the constitution gives to the people one obviously must look at the language and the content of the document itself. In article one, section four, it states â€Å"The congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be o... ... so it is extremely difficult to change. Also in the installation of the Supreme Court as ultimate arbiter can strike down legislation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In summarising this question it is not what’s in the Constitution that is important it is the application of it that is of greater importance. Many different parties can interpret the Constitution and different people will consider one thing constitutional and others will consider it to be unconstitutional. One should also consider who â€Å"the people† are; the constitution can look after interested parties rather than the citizens it is supposed to protect. The majority can become tyrannical over minorities given the prohibition of alcohol. The ‘founding fathers’ also did not envisage change in societal attitudes George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to name two both had slaves, but now the constitution prohibits the owning of slaves. Liberty in their eyes was not for everybody, and the people cannot be trusted to make the right decisions given the Electoral College. However a genuine attempt was made to protect the rights of the indi vidual and preserve the principle of power in the people and not in one individual

Youth obesity

Game consoles, MacDonald's, KFC, all companies that provide entertainment and fried foods for kids are the main causers of the growing number of children becoming obese. These companies are so prevalent on today's youth's lives that they make a profound impact on their health. With the rate that these companies are expanding worldwide, the rate at which children are becoming obese is bound to become even worse. Every corner you go around especially in America you will find a fast food restaurant. This is the main reason why America has the highest youth obesity rate. During the past 30 years the percentage of obese children between the ages of 6 and 11 has tripled. It is amazing is it not all we have to do to change this is adjust our food intake and watch our daily activities so I ask of you to join me and change for the better of our own lives. There are three causes of youth obesity that stood out from the rest for me. These are poor nutrition, low self esteem and a less – active – youth. Eating healthy means taking a lot more time to prepare a meal and it costs more than a readymade, extremely fast, unwatched while being cooked and full of oil fast food meal. A lot of parents are not educated with what is right for their children to be eating. So they leave their children to enjoy what they like instead of having a balanced diet. Children's self esteems lower when they are obese because of society's influences on being thin. As they get more obese their social interactions with other youths decrease because of this influence. Now the low self esteem that develops leads to children no longer being around others thus making them become less active which helps to make children even more obese. A study performed by Research Triangle Institute International for the Centres of Disease Control in Washington, DC surveyed 986 parents on childhood obesity and prevention. The results were as follows 49.5% did not feel schools had the right to record children's weights. 72.9% felt that schools needed to provide weight loss and exercise programs. 39.1% thought an increase on the tax of fast food was constructive. 42.31% favoured the standardization of food portions in restaurants. You must be thinking that to stop obesity means we just have to remove fat from our diets. But you would be wrong stopping obesity does not just mean removing fat from your diets. Usually when people remove fat from their diet they will increase their intake of sugar, high density carbohydrates, and starches. This means you are having a low protein and fat meal which often leave people feeling hungry which leads to them filling their stomachs as soon as possible with whatever they can find to eat. That is wrong. You need to have and stick to a balanced diet. Most of us eat 3 large meals, breakfast, lunch and supper. That too is wrong. You need to eat six small meals and your last meal should be eaten at least two hours before going to sleep to allow for you to burn all fat and energy from the meal. This information was given to me by an actual dietician from CFB. Coming back to the topic of game consoles and I would like to add into that topic television. The question is, is television a friend or foe of youth obesity is what I shall answer for you. Every hour a child sits and plays a video game or watches TV they may double their risk of becoming obese. Glenda Nichols, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Tarrant County College she stated in an interview that on average a child watches or plays a video games for 7.1 hours a day. That equals to 25,000 hours of being in front of a television by the time that they would be seniors in high school. That is extremely dangerous because children are guaranteeing their chances of becoming obese. Some long term effects of childhood obesity are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes. These are all very dangerous for the human body. But these are just a few of the many associated problems. More problems associated with obesity are: 1. Diabetes 2. Hyperlipidemia 3. Blood circulation diseases like arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and palsy 4. Skin disease 5. Joint problems, back, knee, and ankle pain 6. Liver disease 7. Cholelithiasis 8. Menstrual abnormalities 9. Female infertility 10. Breast cancer 11. Endometrium cancer 12. Decline in libido 13. Mental stress We all live in a society that sends out very strong messages about beauty and body weight. Girls are encouraged to constantly diet and exercise until they attain a fit, thin body. Boys are told to constantly work out and do whatever is necessary to attain a buff, muscular figure. Am I wrong? So come on let's follow the messages society sends to all of us together. I ask all of you to not do it for me but to do it for yourself. You will not forget it especially in the long run. So come on let's get healthy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Abraham Lincoln: a True Leader Essay

Abraham Lincoln is known to be one of the Unites State’s chief presidents. Lincoln’s leadership paved huge accomplishments for America. Perhaps, Abraham Lincoln’s greatest accomplishment was going from a non-educated boy, to the president of the United States. Lincoln did not only achieve the name of Presidency, but he was able to shape America to the way it sits today. President Lincoln deserves to be shown in every history textbook across America. President Lincoln shines mostly because of his advanced leadership. Lincoln’s leadership stands as a model to future politicians. His speeches were so strong and thoughtful; some of the best known quotes to this day. Often politicians try to emulate his thinking by using Lincoln quotes in their speeches. Lincoln was always under so much pressure, from the bickering of the cabinet to the assassination threats from the people who disagreed with his thoughts. With all this opposition talking in Lincoln’s ear, he stuck with his gut and did not stop the war and his goals were achieved (R.J Norton). See more: Ethnic groups and racism essay Abraham Lincoln made sure to think about America and what he had to do to keep the country moving smoothly and safely. Lincoln was able to take his leadership to a whole new level, when he got the whole nation involved. Lincoln included in his famous Gettysburg Address that the war is a test of our nations strength and we must finish the battle for all of those who lost their lives protecting the country (R.J Norton). Lincoln’s strategies to bring the nation together helped nationalism break through and he was able to achieve the goals he wanted to achieve. It is hard to believe that Lincoln went from an un-educated boy to the sixteenth President of America. Abraham Lincoln demonstrates that even starting from the bottom, people can grow and become more as long as hard work is put in. Lincoln grew older and started to educate himself on law books and eventually became a lawyer (R.J Norton). Lincoln is an inspiration for kids to have drive and succeed at goals. Lincoln grew even stronger; he served as a great attorney and advanced to four years in Illinois State House of Representatives. After that, Lincoln joined congress for a year and eventually blew the nations mind as President of the Unites States of America (R.J Newton). As President, Lincoln was able to accomplish great things for our nation. Although, he was assassinated a short time before the thirteenth amendment was official, â€Å"freeing the slaves† Lincoln was able to shape the nation up to the point where it was able to accomplish the goal and end slavery in the United States. Lincoln was also able to help out America with his foreign policy; leaving all other nations out of the Civil War going on in the Unites States. This helped other nations from intervening and causing even more problems for the nation. The most important accomplishment was Lincoln’s decision to fight in order to save the Union. Lincoln is believed to be the President who contributed the most to America and to the future of America. Although, he was assassinated before he could accomplish all the goals he had in mind, Lincoln still got the ball rolling and ready for changes to be made. From an un-educated boy, to a president, to a role model for the world, President Lincoln deserves to be known all over for the years and years to come.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Management and Leadership at Cvs Caremark

Management and Leadership at CVS Caremark Michell McGill MGT/330 September 10th, 2012 Ed Robinson CVS Caremark is the largest pharmacy health care provider in the United States with integrated offerings across the entire spectrum of Pharmacy Care. CVS Caremark is a market leader in mail-order pharmacy, retail pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, and retail clinics and is a leading provider of Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans.As one of the country’s largest pharmacy benefits managers (PBM’s) CVS Caremark provides access to a network of more than 65,000 pharmacies, including more than 7,3000 CVS/pharmacy stores that provide unparallel services and capabilities(â€Å"Recruiter contact information,† 2012). The size and components of the company CVS Caremark has implemented a leadership team comprised of talented and diverse leaders who’s abilities makes the company a leader among retail and specialty pharmacies in the United States.CVS Caremark divides the com pany into a Business Unit that consists of MinuteClinic, Pharmacy Benefit Management and Retail Pharmacy. Leadership, defined as influencing individual and group activities toward goal achievement. Executive leadership is a key component to the success of CVS Caremark. CVS Caremark fill many of their Executive Leadership opportunities from within, colleagues are offered development plans and encourage open dialog with colleagues and managers.Regular training and leadership development programs ensure that talent can be promoted from within the company. CVS Caremark employs Senior Executive Teams and department and line executives these positions are responsible for support and to work with teams that manage most of the major staff support functions (â€Å"Recruiter contact information,†2012). Management is described as the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. At CVS Caremark there are several types of managers in the retail stores.T here are district store managers, district pharmacy managers, store managers, shift managers, photo lab supervisors, pharmacy managers, lead pharmacy teach, minute clinic manager and each manager report to the store managers. The distribution center employs more managers as well as other departments. Roles and Responsibilities MinuteClinic are managed by nurse practitioner who offer services to treat minor health issues such as strep throat, and ear, eye, sinus, bladder, and bronchial infections. Others convince of the minute clinic is the ability to have several common vaccinations, flu shots, hepatitis A and B, tetanus, and pneumonia.The benefit to the customer is there are no appointment necessary and the practitioner specialist can diagnose and treat and write prescriptions, which can be filled immediately in the store pharmacy with little or no waiting. Other convient services are camp, sports, and college physicals on a daily walk in, no appointment necessary. Pharmacy Benefit Management is another business unit that assists the customers with managing their benefit, filing prescription by mail and in the retail setting. The services offered help the customer file insurance and fill his or her prescriptions.Services such as ready fill and 90 day supply of maintenance medications like blood pressure, asthma medication, birth control, etc. can be automatically refilled every month or 90 days according to their insurance plan. The benefit to the customs is that they do not have to file their insurance and be reimbursed by the insurance company. The prescriptions can be automatically refilled every month or every 90 days. CVS/pharmacy retail division is America’s leading retail pharmacy with more than 7,300 CVS/pharmacy and Longs Drug stores .Many of CVS/ pharmacies are open 24 hours, which is always a benefit to the customer who may have a late night trip to the ER. CVS/pharmacy offer personalized expertise, in the retail stores and online at CVS. co m. This is a benefit to the elderly patients, they do not have to remember to call in their prescriptions, and they get a coursity phone call if the prescriptions are not picked up within two days after the fill. As people are living longer today the elderly many times do not have help maintaining their drugs or other needs and at time the responsibility can become overwhelming.Customers enjoy the convince to speak with a pharmacist about minor issues with their health or medications. Cot to cost every CVS/pharmacy offer prescription medications related health care products and other health products, such as first aid products, crutches, walkers for the elderly, bed pan, etc. There are 600 in-store minute clinics with more to come by 2016. The front store offer a wide variety of popular beauty supplies, health, and personal care brands, well stocked convince foods and a photo lab with one hour services and many other photo needs, seasonal aisle, and gift ideas and a large supply of cards for every occasions.CVS Caremark is in the United States, the company is launching a Spanish version of Caremark. com. CVS Caremark planes precipitations have access to most comprehensive Spanish-language Web site in PBM industry. The services provided will be the same services as English-speaking customers. While CVS Caremark offers great services and benefits to their employees, turnover can be a problem, due to some factors that stand out, According to Sam Walton of Wal-mart, â€Å"If you want to know where the problem is ask the front line†.The employees at CVS have several issues that if corrected the employees may be happier and offer better customer service. One issue is with the work environment, in retail pharmacy employees work an eight-hour shift and many days there is no breaks, no lunch, and many times no bathroom breaks. When dealing with customers who are sick and not feeling well, and all they want is to get their medicines and go home. The employees nee d to have a break from the crazy fast pace of the frontline. This would take care of the bathroom problem.While the management does not tell employees not to take a break, they also do not make taking break easy. As for a lunch break, employees can have food in the store but many times some stores may fill 800 to a 1,000 prescriptions a day. This leaves little time to eat or anything else. If employees had a break and a little time to eat, service with a smile, is more likely. Another employee issue is the work schedule, no set schedules are , most store employees including managers are required to work two- day shifts and two evening or night shifts and every other weekend.If the store is open 24 hours the last shift get off around 11:00 p. m. . . The 24- hour stores never close for anything, rain sleet or snow. If CVS Caremark would look at these couple of problems the service would improve, the customers would be happier. Customers can at times wait 30 minutes to an hour for thei r prescriptions. Employee who are exhausted and hungry and need to go to the restroom are less likely to provide great customer service. CVS Caremark management is always looking for ways to improve their service at the store level.There are weekly phone conferences for the management team, the pharmacist, the technicians, and the minutecilnic, and retail front store. To discuss the monthly service goals and what need to be completed to improve the service for the months to come. The district managers need to be in the store more often and the management need to take better care of their employees on a daily bases and management will see a change in customer service scores. References: Recruiter contact information. (2012). Retrieved from http://info. cvscaremark. com

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Word and Book Passionate Declaration

Howard Zinns book passionate declaration, was very interesting in the first chapter American Ideology he talks about the end result of these instances was many if not all of these inferior people were killed. He also talks about how we favor the rich and neglect the poor and that it should be the other way around that life should be an entirely different way. That because of Reagan many issues came to be, Because of Reagan this country is the way it is!Although we live in a democratic country, The ideas of ethical behaviors that were formulated by our forefathers has condemned us to accept them as right. â€Å"Thus we grow up in a society where our choice of idea is limited and where certain ideas are dominant† which is very much true unless you have money your ideas will never be heard, it’s very rare where someone who is unwealthy is hear amongst millions. The only time you are really heard is where you die a tragic death. In chapter 2; Machiavellian Realism and U. S. Foreign Policy: Means and Ends.Howard zinn talks about, what kind of society we want? And how will we get it? â€Å" The instance of building more nuclear weapons when we already possess more than enough to destroy the world†¦ allowing the police to arrest any person on the street refusing to move on when ordered†¦ and consider how often a parent [usually a father] has said to a son or daughter: its good to have idealistic visions of a better world but your living in the real world, so act accordingly† This have all had an effect one or more times in my life.Some may refer to me as a hippie because I’m all about peace on this world or because I refuse to eat animals such as chickens, cows, goats anything with a heartbeat, but my beliefs are my beliefs. I do believe a world without weapons would be wonderful, a world where I don’t have to walk down the street and a cops going to stop me cause he believes I’m being somewhat â€Å"suspicious†. Of course I would love for this world to speak up and use our words rather that use our weapons or hands to harm one another.You ever see a person get called something and notice how one simple word such as â€Å"ugly† can completely set them off and just then you see this person react in a way that they use their words completely to prove a point on how, the specific word you called or used is in no way or fact them on how they spent all that time to prove one person wrong. I wish the world worked in words. I wish we didn’t have to tell our children that this is the world, so act accordingly. I was one of those children, whose father told them that, and my dreams were crushed instantly, I was 9.

Friday, September 13, 2019

(Name of film) is valuable (or not valuable) in the study of 20th Essay

(Name of film) is valuable (or not valuable) in the study of 20th century America because (fill in reason) - Essay Example ils the only criminal case in the country that charged anyone with conspiracy in the death of the president or called into question the results of the Warren Commission. At the same time, it takes a look into the personal life of Garrison as he dealt with both internal and external pressures in bringing this case to trial. With the depth of the movie’s explorations, it is possible to deduct some of the more important socio-political movements of the time period in which it is set. Because of the way in which he goes about detailing the development of various theories as to what happened that afternoon in Texas, Stone’s interpretation makes it clear in a very public way that at the least, the Warren Commission could not have been correct in its findings when it ruled a lone gunman achieved the death of a president. Up to the release of the movie, Americans were falling asleep regarding the details behind the assassination, but with its release, they once again asked the questions that had remained unanswered since the House Select Committee on Assassination Report was released in 1979 (Renner, n.d.). This public reaction eventually led to the release in 1994 of some documents associated with the Warren Commission’s report. Oliver Stone’s JFK is valuable in the study of 20th century America because it re-examines a nation-changing event, asking the questions that had been almost forgotten and never answered. Despite his insistence that he is not trying to portray a historically factual documentary regarding the assassination, Stone utilizes several real-life players in depicting his version of events. Key among these is President Kennedy himself. By refusing to recast the president, Stone not only proves his talent as a director working with limited available footage, he provides a sense of reality into the story. When he uses the Zapruder film, Stone is able to inject a somber mood of reflection as audiences realize this is the actual event and not

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Complex medical surgical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Complex medical surgical - Assignment Example For this reason, the patient has been transfused packed red blood cells and commenced on normal saline and Hartmann’s solution to restore the lost volume of blood. In addition, the patient is experiencing moderate pain from the trauma of the tibia and femur. On the assessment made on assessing pain, level when the patient is at rest and with movement Ben Casey records a 4 on the scale. In order to alleviate this health condition and accord comfort to the patient the physician prescribed paracetamol tablets of 1-gram dosage to be taken 6 hourly to relieve pain. Among the identified potential health, problems according to assessment of Ben Caseys data include avascular necrosis. This will occur in areas beyond the fracture due to compromise of the internal blood supply to the bone tissue of the left tibia and femur (Ciocco 2014, p. 145). In addition, there is high potential for Ben Casey developing osteopenea of the left tibia and femur due to the disuse (Pudner 2010, pp. 204-16). This is possible due expected long period of immobilisation of the left leg together with diffuse reduction of bone density. Apart from disuse, this occurs also due to dysfunction of blood flow regulation and autonomic nervous system conduction to the site of the fracture. Apart from the local complications, other potential systemic complication due to the fracture of the femur, which is a long bone Ben Casey, is likely to develop fat embolism. Fat embolism occurs from release of fat from the injured site and into the blood stream that can be benign or get lodged in the tiny capillaries of the pulmonary, neurological, or coetaneous systems (Pudner 2010, pp. 193-99). In addition, other potential health problem includes development of infection at the surgical site due to the indwelling FG 14 bellovac drain at the femoral surgical. This is because the drain provides a communication between the linen on the outside and